Tuesday, January 3, 2017

back to the future.

As I’m sure most of you know, I went home to Dallas for Christmas. I spent just over a week doing some of the things I missed most: wearing sweaters, eating goat cheese, doing karaoke with my cousins, going to movies, and drinking shiners with the best. It was time well spent and well worth the absurd travel journey, and I am back in Yap for another semester of school.

Traveling was hilarious. On my flight out of Yap to Guam, there was turbulence and I woke up to people legitimately screaming - I can only assume turbulence (or flying) was unfamiliar to a few people on the plane. It was pretty funny. By the time I got home, I was beyond delirious, but certainly coherent enough to enjoy surprising my family and friends. 

Heading back to Yap, my flights were all delayed (after we boarded, because of “maintenance”) for so long that the delay time ate up all of my layover time and more, requiring the airline to have to hold two planes for me. There are only two flights into Yap each week, and I kept thinking, “What kinds of things can I do when I inevitably get stuck in Guam for a few extra days?” but there was no need - they knew I was coming and delayed the flights further.

It feels so good to be back on Yap. It feels like I never left. Everything is familiar (obviously) and I’m picking back up right where I left off. 

We returned to school yesterday. I spent the first five minutes of all of my classes just beaming at my students and saying things like, “I missed you guys so much!” while wearing one of the biggest smiles of my life. I love my job.

After school, I took three of our neighbors on a hike up to the radio tower. They took pictures on my phone the whole time and I had over 200 photos added to my camera roll. Here are a few stand-outs:

Life is good here. Still raining. What else is new. In the coming months, I am getting scuba dive certified, so I’ll keep you all posted on that. I’m. So. Psyched.

I hope all of you had joyous and blessed Christmas celebrations and are looking forward to the new year. I’m finding, particularly on social media, that it’s a popular belief to absolutely despise the entirety of 2016 and everyone is just over the moon excited that such a hellish year is over. But personally, I have a problem with that. So here’s a baby rant: Just because it is January doesn’t mean all of the problems of the previous year will disappear. We still have to work toward positive change - in our government, with our environment, with the way we treat people, with everything that was sooooo horrible about last year. But personally, last year was easily one of the best years of my life. The first half of my year was full of exploring faith, embracing friendships, building relationships, traveling to new places, graduating from college, and so many other positive experiences. The second half included ceramics classes, endless dabkes, Coldplay in NYC, and a little anxiety as I prepared to ship off for the other side of the world, but was followed up by five trying yet worthwhile months in Yap with her stunning sunsets and starry skies. I moved to a new place, started a new job, made new friends, got new hair. A lot of good has happened. And sure, a lot of bad has happened, but if we only focus on the bad, then what’s the point of all of this? “If I can’t scuba, then what’s this all been about? What am I working toward?” - Creed Bratton, The Office

new country #1: Nicaragua feat. new skill: surfing.
award-winning roommates/professional models.
graduating under the avenue of oaks at spring hill college.
new state #1: Wisconsin.
new state #2: Utah.
new state #3: New York.
new country #2: Federated States of Micronesia.
in may I went halvsies, december went wholesies.
Anyquwahhyyz (Nacho Libre voice), I’m totally down for hoping that better things will come in 2017. But I don’t think complaining about last year or pretending like it didn’t happen or being glad it’s over will do anything. I hope each of you takes the time to improve your lives and the lives of others in some way this year. This month, even. And every month thereafter. Small things are the most important things. Wave to everyone you pass. Smile at people. Hold doors. Having a kind personality makes others want to be kind too. So just do it. I dare you.


  1. That hair color is gorgeous on you! I'm glad I got to see you at Christmas Eve, and I'm looking forward to reading about the rest of your Yap year!

  2. It's the behhhsst. (Nacho Libre Voice)

  3. you are just so awesome Madeleine! Can't wait to see where life continues to bring you <3
